The CAPWIG Group

This blog has the object of educating the Ghanaian public to reduce plastic waste.
The blog will be proving the public with self help steps to cutting down plastic waste; by so doing we will be weaning the public from the addiction to plastic materials.
Do well to leave your comments and share helpful information with me.

Monday, March 29, 2010

I have Reduced Plastic Waste by something percent

I have resorted to doing the following in my bid to reduce plastic waste

1. I have refused to collect ‘take away’ rubber bags as packaging materials for anything I buy. Except in very peculiar cases thus when the items I buy are so much and am not carrying my cotton bag.
2. I have acquired a cotton material bag for buying food stuff from the market. Thanks to my sister. (Guess what? The market women tell me my ‘eye open’, in twi, when anytime I come with the bag). The bag is very neat and presentable.
3. I have resorted to no more buying ‘pure water’ I take coconut juice instead. I drink enough water where I spend most of my time. Thus in the office
4. I buy drinks in cans, cartons and in bottles but not those in Plastic bottles
5. I have separate bins for my trash; one for plastics and one for the rest.

Do not worry about what impact your singular act will make. The aim is to reduce the waste. So with you practicing the above we have achieved marginal reduction.

Let me know when you are practicing these things. Write a note on my blog

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